

I found a salvage yard (Central California) that has about seven motor
driven ganged variacs.  Each ganged array has six variacs with spec listed
below. The guy is asking $200 bucks for one array.  Does anyone have the
tech specs for the catalog number listed below?  There are 7 terminals on
the front of each variac.  I not sure what terminal post does what.

General Electric:
Catalog number: 9T92467G51

Input Voltage: 240/480 VAC
Output Voltage: 0 - 480 VAC
Output Current: 30 Amps

Motor Drive:
120 VAC
About 20 sec cycle end to end.

Gordon King
Electronics and Computer Enthusiast
Email: gking-at-impulse-dot-net
ICQ number: 7706171
Web Page: <http://www.impulse-dot-net/%7Egking>www.impulse-dot-net/~gking/
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