
Re: Triggered Spark Gaps - Why Not?

 These devices are used for extream current on the order of 100' sof 
thousands of amps. Mainly pluse discharge Cap.
paul m

>Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 17:49:42 -0700
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: Triggered Spark Gaps - Why Not?
>From: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
>Original Poster: Michael Veach <veachm-at-sunyit.edu> 
>	I read something in this thread which interested me concerning a
>device called a Trigatron. What exactly is it? Does it use Thyratrons 
>ignitrons in place of a gap? I might want to use such a device in a 
>large Tesla system I may build in the future. I hope you can fill in 
>gaps for me. Thanks.
>Mike Veach.

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