
A Question, Please (fwd)

[NOTE: Please reply directly to John, as this is somewhat off topic.
  -- Chip]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 11:14:53 -0400
From: John Heck <jkh-at-lexis-nexis-dot-com>
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: A Question, Please

The other nigh my antique radio club showed a taping of a BBC TV show from
the "Secret World of Machines" series which was about the development of
television. As part of this show the moderator demonstrated/explained some
electronic components. Part of this display consisted of a demonstration of
some kind of static discharge machine which I could not identify, and which
was not named on the show. It had a large(~24") plastic hollow sphere in which
was a much smaller(~4") metallic ball. The ball was giving off a constant
discharge of bluish "plasma like" streamers which seemed to originate at the 
small ball and streamed to the outer sphere. They crackled and branched and
seemed quite "thick" and luminescant. The moderator said that this machine 
could be made from the high voltage parts found in most tube type TVs. Does
anybody have an idea what this machine is? Thanks very much.

                   /\/\              /\              /\   
                 _//\/\\/\      /\  //\\/\    /\    //\\_ 
                / )    \/\\  /\//\\//  \/\\  //\\/\//  ( \
              _( (_       \\//\/  \/      \\//  \/\/   _) )_
             (((\ \>  _    \/   John Heck  \/      _  </ /)))
             (\\\\ \_/_>     1009 Donson Dr.      <_\_/ ////)
              \       /    Dayton, Ohio 45429      \       /
               \    _/     (937)865-7036(work)      \_    /
               /   /             KC8ETS               \   \
              /   /     EMAIL: jkh-at-lexis.nexis-dot-com     \   \