
opened pulse cap

From:  Bert Hickman [SMTP:bert.hickman-at-aquila-dot-com]
Sent:  Saturday, March 21, 1998 9:25 AM
To:  Tesla List
Subject:  Re: opened pulse cap

Tesla List wrote:
> ----------
> From:  Barton B. Anderson [SMTP:mopar-at-mn.uswest-dot-net]
> Sent:  Friday, March 20, 1998 3:57 AM
> To:  Tesla List
> Subject:  Re: opened pulse cap
> Tesla List wrote:
> Bert, I wonder if the cap you have is possibly a high voltage flashlamp application?
> Maybe too high voltage if this single cap were used?
> I have about 30, 100uF caps in the garage configured identically to yours in every
> detail.
> I tore a couple apart as well as unrolled one or two. Beautiful rollup job these
> professional machines do. (Actually, the operators of these machines are very
> skilled). Too bad about the capacitance ratings, isn't it. The company I work uses
> my caps for flashlamp applications, however, although the caps are 100uF, they are
> series'd 4 caps per lamp. I was just thinking the cap you have may have been
> designed for a similar application.
> |_Bart_|


Possibly. Or for Power Factor Correction. These were apparently used in
"Star Wars" research and were decommissioned when SDI was dismantled.
Their original use, and electrical specifications, appear to be
unobtainable since they were developed for a contractor to the
government (unknown). Fortunately, they don't contain PCB's. I've also
tried going back to the capacitor vendor with no success. :^(

What voltage rating do your caps have, and are they of
polypropylene/kraft paper construction as well? Do you have any
technical specs for yours (like max surge current, voltage reversal %,

-- Bert --