
Large flattened sphere output electrode

X-Envelope-From: adder_black_the-at-yahoo-dot-com  Wed Aug 26 11:36:04 1998

I just had an idea for a fairly easy large and hopefully cheap TC or
Van De Graff generator output electrode. I am sure that a lot of you
have seen those large "half moon" truck hub caps that a lot of the big
rigs use. If you took two of these hub caps and tack welded the inside
edges together this alone might make a decent output electrode. For an
even better electrode you could fill in the gap with Bondo and sand
the edges smooth. Then you could even cover the new rounded edge with
copper or aluminum tape to complete the electrode. Copper tape would
be preferable since then when you are done covering up the Bondo edge
you could solder all the tape seams to make them totally smooth and
permanent. The only question I have is whether or not you can solder
copper to chrome? I am sure that it would take a lot of heat to do it
but I believe solder will stick to chrome once the temp gets hot

Any comments or story's on this sort of project are welcome.
Dallas Texas
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