
neon rewind

From: 	Edward V. Phillips[SMTP:ed-at-alumni.caltech.edu]
Sent: 	Wednesday, September 24, 1997 2:22 PM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	Re:  neon rewind

"Many NST's are wound with very fine wire, somewhat smaller than AWG40 if
I'm not mistaken. You'll need a spool feeder and wire tensioner of some
kind; otherwise wire that fine will almost inevitably break if you try to
machine wind the bobbin with anyuthing much smaller than......."
	I haven't taken a neon sign transformer apart to look at the
winding of the secondary, but would be amazed if they were wound on a
bobbin.  I'd expect uniform layers with paper in between each.  Don't\
see how else they could withstand the voltage.