
Oil filled Secondary Coi

From: 	Dale Hall[SMTP:Dale.Hall-at-trw-dot-com]
Sent: 	Wednesday, September 24, 1997 1:01 PM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: Oil filled Secondary Coi

        Reply to:   RE>Oil filled Secondary Coil

Gary Weaver, All,
I mentored a student in the 94 (?) CA State Science Fair (1st Place!) - Troye Welch, who successfully immersed a secondary in mineral oil.  A very small apparatus was able to produce discharges ~3x height of secondary efficiently at low input power.  It was well behaved - no internal arcing.  The effect of oil around the secondary allowed it to behave like one of a larger diameter. It would be most interesting to learn to what physical size this could be scaled, before the oil (dielectric) loses effectiveness. Troyes was a very small ~8-10" high, perhaps 3" dia. 
Contact Troye: Welchtc-at-network.rose-hulman.edu for details.

Date: 9/24/97 7:49 AM
To: Dale Hall
From: Tesla List
From: 	gweaver[SMTP:gweaver-at-earthlink-dot-net]
Sent: 	Wednesday, September 24, 1997 12:30 AM
To: 	Tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	Oil filled Secondary Coil

I have an idea but before I build it I thought I would ask if anyone has
tried this or if anyone thinks its worth trying.

It seem that all Tesla Coils have a power limit.  For example if you powered
a 3" secondary coil with 10,000. watts it would be too much power.  A
reasonable power rating for a 3" coil would be about 500 to 700 watts.  A 4"
coil could be powered up to about 1500  to 2000 watts.  And so on.

If a coil is powered to its limit.  The limit being the point where it can
not produce longer output spark because it is over powered and has reached
it limit. Problems like racing sparks the length of the secondary coil would
limit the TC output.

If a secondary coils is placed in high voltage oil to stop secondary coil
arcs and sparks.  Could the power of the TC then be expected to increase
beyond its limit?

My goal here is to find out if a TC output can be increased by changing
coupling between the primary and secondary coil without over coupling the
system at the point where it overcoupled before and without increasing the

My ideas is to put a 4" secondary coil inside of a 6" PVC pipe.  Put end
caps on both ends of the 6" pipe.  The secondary coil wire can be attached
to a screw terminal on each end cap.

Gary Weaver