
Magnetic quenched gaps

From: 	Greg Leyh[SMTP:lod-at-pacbell-dot-net]
Sent: 	Tuesday, September 23, 1997 3:23 PM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: Magnetic quenched gaps

Dale Hall wrote:

> Has anyone experimented with rotary gap electrode Geometry vs Quench ?
> Could electrode geometry be designed such that extinction is naturally
> encouraged to ocurr after the first node -- make them longer (to
> retain xsectArea for current and heat) and thin to present conductor 
> for a short arc time at optimum cycle times ? (or perhaps in
> conjunction with air/magnetic quenching?)
> A thought from Dale.

That is precisely what I will be trying to do on the rotary for my
next coil.  The proposed electrode cross section is 3" x 1/4", which
will provide a electrode dwell distance of about three times the
1/4" width, or 3/4".  At 430 fps on the rotor edge speed, that gives
a mechanical dwell time of about 145uS.  This dwell time is comparable
to the first beat envelope time, which will probably end up around
120 to 150uS.  The quenching is accomplished totally by brute force; 
there are 8 rotating gaps in series, which provide an effective  
electrode separation speed for the entire gap of Mach 3.2.