
my first coil works!

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Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 09:05:54 +0200
From: Christian Schweingruber <chrigu-at-geocities-dot-com>
To: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Subject: my first coil works!


Two month ago i started readimg this list and building my first coil.
Yesterday evening i tested it for the first time and got 20" sparks!
Whithout the help of many discussions in this group this wouldn't have
benn possible.
Thanks a lot!

The specs of my coil (so far 4.2" sec; 13.8kV 50mA) will folow. (Later
some pics on my Homepage)

Christian (Vhrigu) Schweingruber
Bern, Switzerland

Gruess Chrigu

Homepage: http://www.geocities-dot-com/CapeCanaveral/2994/

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