
Re: Rolled Cap Supprise!

At 11:16 PM 1/28/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Subscriber: jim.fosse-at-bdt-dot-com Tue Jan 28 23:15:08 1997
>Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 04:15:46 GMT
>From: Jim Fosse <jim.fosse-at-bdt-dot-com>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: Rolled Cap Supprise!
>>Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 05:20:19 GMT
>>From: Jim Fosse <jim.fosse-at-bdt-dot-com>
>>To: tesla-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com
>>Subject: Rolled Cap Supprise!
>>Home Rollers,
>>I'm guessing that triboelectric charging caused it even though the
>>relative humidity is 75%.
>Today I received and application note from Maxim. In it was a
>triboelectric series.
>air	(most positive
>rabbit fur
>human hair
>sealing wax
>hard rubber
>nickel, copper
>brass, silver
>gold, platinum
>acetate, rayon
>kel-f (cte)
>teflon	(most negative)
>I note that I had my hands (second most positive) on polyethylene
>(fifth most negative).
>	jim


My list shows  clean, highly polished glass as the most positive item.  the
hands are listed as number 4.  I'll have to try asbestos!  I will note that
the entire body (flesh) is quite posiitve indeed.  But portionately to area,
I have noted glass to exceed the body.  I'll have to do some tests with the

Richard Hull, TCBOR