
Re: does anybody really read these?

At 10:25 PM 1/19/97 -0700, Kevin wrote:


>I would agree that any trace of acid would destroy possibly the oil or even
>cause rapid breakdown resulting in failure. Would there be any way of
>removing this OR even better, sears and other places have batteries on
>display with nothing in them, would these be better if one could get hold of
>them? How many of these do you think you would need to get the right
>capacitance? Also what about poly in place of glass??
>                                       Regards,
>                                            Kevin Nardelle

I too have looked at the display batteries as a possible container for a
cap.  Yes, you certainly could use poly instead of glass.  Indeed, having
built several glass as well as poly caps I can say poly would be much better
- lower losses, much lighter in weight, and far easier to cut to size.

Bert Pool