
Re: 10X Arcs

>Date: Mon, 09 Sep 1996 17:22:21 -0700
>From: Richard Hull <hullr-at-whitlock-dot-com>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: 10X Arcs
>I don't know if I reported this yet.  Last Thursday, We, at the TCBOR, 
>just went over the 10X mark in spark output!!  That is right.  We have  
>sparks on film (both video and still photos showing the point-to-point 
>arcs from our 1 foot long winding resonator on maggey #11-E zapping my 
>nikon 35 MM  right on the lens 121" from the terminal discharge point.  
>The spark is not white hot, nor is it thin and "played out".  (somewhere 
>about in the middle of these extremes.)

Awesome, 	(both in the literal and vernacular meanings)

	Please let us know if the film in the nikon shows any signs of
fogging or physical tracks. I'm curious to know if secondary arcing
occurred inside the camera body.
