
Re: Solid-state TC - transformer design

On Wed, 30 Oct 1996, Tesla List wrote:

> The only system that I can see possibly working without a ground
> connection is the "Oudin" type coil. A long horizontal seconday coil with a
> toriod on each end, driven by a conventional primary around the middle.

That is simply a bipolar Tesla coil.  An Oudin coil, to the best of my
knowledge, is a Tesla coil where the secondary is an extension of the
primary (sort of an autotransformer type hookup).  The popular info is
a bit fuzzy about the distinction, but I think that when all the smoke
clears, Oudin coils had been previously investigated by Tesla, and should
rightfully be called "Tesla coils".  Oudin simply popularized them for a
specific purpose.

Steve Roys.