
Re: Equation 9, Capacitance of a Toroid

At 09:03 AM 2/29/96 +0700, Jim Watson wrote:


>   The equation regarding the capacitance of a toroid. the one contributed
by Bert Pool, is not entirely clear to me.  There is a numer 2 in the
numerator of the radicand that I can not place with 100% certianty;  this is
because the formula has always arrived in a slightly jumbled form, and I
have to reconstruct it.  
>   The two appears to square 2pi;  it appears to be (2pi)^2.  Is this
correct?  The remainder of the equation is very clear.  I would also
appreciate any comments on the origin of this formula.

should be (2*pi^2) (well at least that is what my file says)...

the radicand/formula should read:

                                        /  2*pi^2*(d1-d2)*(d2/2)
C = (1 + (0.2781 - (d2/d1) ) * (2.8) * /  -----------------------
                                     \/            4*pi

(hoped it turned out...)


| Timothy A. Chandler                ||   M.S.Physics/B.S.Chemistry     |
| NASA-Langley Research Center       ||   George Mason University       |
| Department of Energy               ||   Department of Physics         |
| FRT/Alpha - NASALaRC/DOE JRD/OPM   ||   Department of Chemistry       |
| CHOCT FR Designation #82749156/MG09||   OPC-EFC                       |
|                 Private Email Address:  tchand-at-slip-dot-net               |