
Safety gaps

Hello to all,

I have a fairly simple question concerning my RF safety gap: When running 
at 15 KV (7.5 KV/legg) what is the optimum gap distance to ensure proper 
protection of a Neon Transformer?
 My RF filter is setup in the following maner: (Per legg) off of the HV 
leed is connected 1.5 nanoFarad doornobs to RF ground, then the safety 
gap, next a 1.5 Kohm 50 Watt resitor, and finnaly two chokes for a total 
of ~3.5 mH (calculated). 
 The problem I seem to be having is that while running my resonator tuned 
out to ~.038mH (max) in my primary with a .007 uFD Tank Cap ( just 
ordered a CP's cap) my safety gap will fire even when opened up to 3/4 of 
an inch.
This firing of the safety gap greatly concerns me. My curent system is 
stuck with the low tank capacitance untill my comercial cap arives, so I 
have been doing a lot of tuning with my terminal capacitance, perhaps to 
much terminal cap ~22 picoFarad (where I get my longest discharge, only 
about 36") is undully stressing my system. I dont know, but if anyone can 
let me know what the safe distance for a RF safety gap with a 15 KV 120 
mA Neon is I would be greatfull.

David Trimmell <dwt-at-efn-dot-org>